Day 40: On Site

Oh, happy day! Today at work, I was able to see and experience Dirty Dancing pre-production & explore the site. I can't give away the location, due to the secret, but I will share some pictures of the "before" piece. The show opens next week! Here's photos of the lot that we laid out earlier in the summer, but this time with actual pieces in place. I'm spending the rest of the week on-site, and I get to work closely with the actors, producers, and managers of this production. I've met so many people and have had so much fun even in just this one day. You can see the screen in the photos. Supposedly, this is the largest screen in Europe!!

Everything is so so green, and it's perfect for a summer production. Dirty Dancing will be a live performance outdoor screening of the film, with actors, props, food trucks, and activities for the audience to take part in. Over 6,000 people attend each night, and I have the opportunity to help put this together! My favorite part is the creativity. Every person who works at Secret Cinema has expressed their creative side in some way, and putting all those minds together creates something so amazing. The audience members will get to come to the performance dressed as characters set to the theme of the film, making the performance inclusive and emersing the audience into the story. I LOVE IT.

Oh, and funny story: Since Pokemon Go literally just released and became a big hit right now in the states, I went ahead and downloaded the app. However, in the UK, it's not available yet, so I'm the only one at work who was able to use it. My coworkers and I spent our lunch break running around the site to collect Pokemon's. It was so much fun :-)

Also here's my lunch, cause duh.

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