Day 41: Sistas

There are so many things that I adore about London, and I fall in love with this city every single day. One of the greatest parts about being abroad for such a long time is that I’ve started adapting to the everyday life of being a Londoner, and I get to call this place my home. I haven’t caught on to the accent yet, but trust me, I’ve been practicing. A few things that I have adapted to, however, have made every day just that much sweeter. For example, now that I know my way around London, I notice that I don’t check my phone as often to find the best routes around the city. Instead, I know the direction to walk, and just keep going. I also just get on and off the tube that much easier and save so much time. Living in South Kensington has been a blast, and being a local around here is something I’ve gotten fairly used to. Grocery shopping after work is probably the best example of becoming an “adult” with a “real job.”

My perspective has changed over these past few weeks on London. The very first day here, I remember the sights I see today in a whole new light. Today, I look at it as familiarity and I can get around from the back of my hand. I tend to walk and explore in areas I’m unfamiliar with because I feel much more comfortable in this foreign country. When Erin and I took a bike ride around Notting Hill, we went all the way home without looking at a phone once. It was an experience I will never forget, and they will be sights that I’ll remember forever. Visiting touristy areas have made me cringe just a bit when I’m in a rush to get off the tube. I’ve started noticing all of the visitors with their luggage and by the way of their body language. It’s a surreal experience to be able to live somewhere for only a few weeks and become so accustomed to it. Getting to work is easier everyday, and I know my way around rush hour. It’s the little things like getting adapted to every day life that make this time abroad so much more enjoyable. I’m not sure if I’ll ever want to come back to the states!

Today was very chill but so fun. I started by having breakfast at the pasty shop around the corner from my flat. Everyday I walk past it and eye the chocolate chip doughy brioche, and today I decided to eat it. IT WAS SO GOOD.

After work, I went to Camden to meet up with my friends from Dream Careers and my sorority sister, Allie, who was visiting for the weekend. We picked up a snack of gelato, cause why not?? Then, we spent the evening catching up for a few hours and flirting with the cute German boys playing pool. They took a cigarette break and the cutest boy left his hat on the table, so naturally Allie took a selfie with it on before they came back.

Here's how we found Jesse when we got home lol...

Oh, and Jules and I had dinner at a cute little Italian place in South Kensington.

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