
There are few things that people understand about others, the world we live in, or themselves for that matter. Although we promise to keep to ourselves, it's human nature to feel envious of others or even pick on our own insecurities leading to the act of comparing our self to someone else. I've come to the simple realization, one that should have never been overlooked for all this time, that since it's human nature for all of us to do this, why do we allow ourselves to feel this way? It may seem to be fear, lack of self-confidence, or whatever it may be, but there's truly no excuse. 

It seems only right to break the pattern once and for all because it's not fair to ourselves and others to waste precious time worrying or carrying about the difference between oneself and another. Do not compare yourself to others. It's simple and easy, and it will change the way you feel about yourself. It's truly made a difference to me ever since I've realized how often I did it. It's not worth it, and in the end no one really cares but yourself, so why stress over it? Boost your self confidence, and start living a happy life.

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  1. There's always going to be someone prettier , smarter etc. Often times people waste a lot of time envious of what others have that they want for themselves instead of getting up and going after that dream themselves. Great Post!

    1. Exactly! Focusing on yourself is the only way to success! :) Thank you!

  2. This is actually so important. Great post!!

    1. Thank you!!! I'm glad you like it. It's a great eye opener for myself and others who need to realize it, and I am really happy that people agree :)

    2. By the way, I just took a look at your blog & I absolutely LOVE IT <3 Good work :)
