Day 3: Tours & Tapas

Happy Saturday -- it's freezing cold outside. Where's summer??? Luckily, we got to spend today touring London on a coach bus. This is Westminster Abbey, located right next to Parliament. It's the cathedral where Prince William and Kate Middleton (ugh goals) held their royal wedding.
One stop that we took was at Shakespeare's Globe. It was awesome & beautiful. Yes, theater geek forever, I had to appreciate it! It was fun & we all wore our hats hehe : )

We also took a tour through Parliament and got to see BIG BEN! Jokes on you because it's actually called the Elizabeth Tower, and Big Ben is the name of the bell, not the clock (you learn something new everyday). Oh well, I'm still calling it Big Ben. The Parliament was amazing, and it was so interesting learning the differences between our home country's government vs. what's done in the UK.

We took a quick lunch break at EAT., a yummy fast food place, and then us girls headed off to do a trial-run of locating our internships to prepare for our interviews coming up this week. My company is located in the Hackney borough of London, about 45 minutes away from South Kensington. I can only imagine what my commute to work is going to be like. We then stopped to have some tapas at a restaurant nearby. It was interesting, but delicious. Tapas are a common meal in Europe, so we ordered a few plates and good drinks to enjoy.

We ended the night out at a club in Oxford Circus, Project London. This is a photo of Bridget and I:

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