Day 2: Fit for a Queen

Ahhh.... it was the second day today, and I woke up so.... early. I'd say about 4am. Time change sucks when you're traveling through an 8 hour difference. Plus, the sun rises extremely early here in the UK -- compared to Arizona at least -- at about 4:45am. The sun sets at 9:30 at night, so my summer days really are longer.

We spent our morning at our FIE Orientation, learning about our internship and our classes that we'll be participating in. We were not told our internship until we arrived in London for a few reasons. Basically, as we applied through FIE and submitted our CVs, the internship team took our interests and experience and applied to companies for us in hopes to get us the best internship suited for our personalities. Then, once we arrive in England, we are to interview with the company that they set us up with to make sure it's a right fit. I requested an internship based around the career that I'm hoping to get into: Marketing in the entertainment or fashion industry.....
GOOD NEWS: It worked. They paired me up perfectly. I've been selected to intern with Secret Cinema, a British events company specializing in Live Cinema experiences, combining film screenings with interactive performances in purpose-built sets. THAT is all of the information I know as of now, BUT after my interview, I should be able to go into more detail -- and of course, I will share my experiences on here! I am SO excited : )

In regards to our schedule for the summer, it is actually quite perfect for the mix of academics, work, and taking time to explore London. Each of us work Mondays & Tuesdays: full day, Wednesdays: 1/2 work 1/2 class, and continue class Thursdays & Fridays. The nicest part about this program is that our course is based around the history and culture of London, so majority of our "class time" will be out in the city & exploring.

After Orientation, we took a stroll through the neighborhood and had lunch at Bella Italia. WOW it was yummy. I had a Margherita pizza, and it was the I think I'm gonna like it here.

Then, we took our first bus ride (!!!) to none other than... Buckingham Palace. Yes, MTV, welcome to my crib ; )

The palace resides in the City of Westminster in the center of Green Park, just north east of where I live. It's remarkable, and I am still in shock that the Queen reigns from this beautiful piece of architecture (I feel weird calling it a building lol).

The guards are hilarious. (They did some fun "prance with a gun" routine in front of the castle -- I just made it sound much more fun than it actually was. They're very serious.... all the time)

UM ALSO.... We ran into my boyf on the way there lol (I promise I'm not a crazy person).

If you know me, you know that I compare everything to Disneyland....well, yeah obviously this is basically like Cinderella's castle. Except, an old woman lives in it... and it's not sunny outside.... and it's much bigger. Oh well, you get the point. I want to live here, it suits me just right -- "fit for a queen," some call it ; )

Queen Brooke
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