Day 29: Midsummer Nights

My favorite part of my education in London is the hand-on experience I receive with my class. Today, I had the opportunity to see a Midsummer Night's Dream at the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. My professors are beyond cool and know so much there is to know about London and life. I couldn't even put into words how much fun we had today with our bike-riding friend, Brian!! We spent most of our day down at the Embankment.

He took us to dinner at the Giraffe, his favorite restaurant on the river, and we enjoyed a wonderful meal. I had pad thai, so yum, and a beer with a cute little friend to keep me company.

We walked the river to attend the theatre, and we had penny seats - standing in the front row. I wouldn't complain one moment because this show was remarkable. Standing was worth it. The rendition of Shakespeare's play was completely modernized with so many twists on the story, keeping it entertaining and creative. I loved the set design and characters so much, it made me miss my days at the theatre. My favorite was the sytar player composing all of the sounds and music throughout the whole production. It's days like this that remind me of my passions and love for the creative side of the world and I enjoyed every moment of it.

It was truly a Midsummer Dream!! ;-)

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