Day 15: Soft Smiles

Thursday class calls for soft smiles. We're learning about A Midsummer Nights Dream in our British Culture Class, and our teacher gave us flowers like the ones that the fairies used in the story. I love Shakespeare -- there's no better way to enjoy it than in London. We're going to tour and see the play at the Shakespeare Globe soon, so I'm really excited for that. Our teacher is so much fun and extremely interactive. I can tell he's really passionate about his class, and he's just overall a really great guy. I can tell our lessons with him are going to be a lot more fun than the average lecture, so I'm really happy about that.
Here's a cute aesthetically pleasing photo displaying my affection:

We hit up Toy Room Club with the girls to meet up with Ali tonight and then proceeded to XOYO, another club. We don't like cover charges so we ended up leaving LOL.

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