Day 10: Long Live the Queen

Today was the longest day ever. I woke up and ate Pret, ahh the greatest, at 6:30 IN THE MORNING. Why you ask? Well for the Queen, of course! Okay let me explain... June 11th is the official day to celebrate the Queen's birthday. Her real birthday is back in April, but the weather is too crummy to hold a parade, so naturally, they made a new day the holiday. The parade takes place at Buckingham Palace, so we wanted to get there early to claim our area for good pictures. It was really neat, and FYI: The Royal Family is even more beautiful in person. It was somewhat rainy today, but "it won't rain on my parade." (ha ha ha I'm funny) Can you spot the queen?? She's in bright green.
There was a cute little dude dressed as a guard, and I couldn't help but smile. Also, look at how cute this cottage is right in the center of Green Park. Can I live here please? Plus, stay tuned for the most iconic photo of all time...

OH. Did I mention that I also went to a music festival this day as well? No? Okay let me explain... After the parade, we went to the infamous Shakespeare's Pub around the corner from the palace, nbd. We munched on some food and headed to Victoria Coach Station to catch our coach bus heading south to Isle of Wight. Isle of Wight is an island (as you may have guessed) off of Portsmouth, England. It's about a 3 hour journey from London (including the hovercraft). Did I just say hovercraft? Well yes, I did. We took a flying boat across the water as our "ferry ride." Bridget was impressed. We dropped our bags off, picked up a few drinks, and headed to the festival. (P.S. The UK sells mixed drinks in a can, and it's awesome & hilarious). The Isle of Wight festival was fantastic. Look at how cute it was:

Bridget and I shared Crab & Chips. Mmmm, delish. I love street food, and Brits love their chips.

These are my besties, and I love 'em! <3

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