Day 9: Olympic Park

Rise and shine, early risers -- we're going on an adventure! Our Friday consisted of a 10am tour of Queen Elizabeth's Olympic Park. It was stunning. Back in 2007, when London pitched the bid for the Olympics, this area was a disastrous wasteland and was deteriorating day by day. In hopes to host the games, England decided to recreate this space into a fully sustainable park, leaving a legendary utopian-style town in it's place. Everything looks incredibly futuristic -- it felt like walking through a movie set. The photos below show the aquarium where Olympic Medalist, Michael Phelps, won his gold medal, and it's open for public use every day. So cute.

After a long day of walking, we headed back towards the Westfield mall by the Tube station that we got off. This is the biggest mall in London, and there were tons of shops. We stopped inside of a Ping Pong Pub where you can pay to drink and play a game upstairs. I loved the decorations inside.

Then, us girls headed to dinner at a fantastic Mexican restaurant, Wahaca. My mom asked me what my favorite part about London is, and I told her the food.... lol -- check out these photogenic pork tacos.

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