Day 6: Uh Huh Honey

One week into London, and I'm obsessed. Today was probably one of the best days. Erin & Bridget had their interviews today (Julia & I had ours yesterday), so we decided to celebrate the day out and about. Erin is interning with a company called Two Birds Bridesmaid in Covent Garden, so Julia & I explored the area and planned to meet up with the others for lunch once they finished. We took a bunch of fun pictures in front of the cute shops.
This was our first time within Covent Garden, and it was interesting to say the least. Julia & I roamed around the shopping area, peeking through stores and admiring the bustling streets. When we started to get hungry, we searched and searched for a restaurant or cafe to enjoy a brunch. Somehow, it was impossible for us to find a restaurant near us, and we ended up walking into Neal's Yard. This cute little area is behind a few buildings, and we found it by accident! We were getting so hungry we were tempted to just eat some cupcakes for lunch...

After literally 45 minutes of searching for a place to eat for brunch, and at this point lunch, we stumbled upon TY cafe. (I have no idea why it was so hard to find a place -- everything was either too expensive or incredibly unappealing lol). I'm so glad we found this place because their food was DELISH. I had a toastie sandwich with hummus, tomato, and spinach with a lemon blonde cake pie on the side. (Yes, I know, I'm crazy and eat sweets with everything. I can't resist). It was soooo yummy I can't event explain. I've never had hummus on a sandwich before, but now I want it everyday.

Bridget ended up meeting us at TY, and Erin was lost all day somehow. Her phone doesn't have a UK SIM card so we can't get ahold of her unless she is in Wifi : ( Her adventures turned up in Trafalgar Square, while the three of us continued to walk around Covent Garden to enjoy some shopping.

Later that afternoon, we stopped and picked up some sushi from Itsu and headed back to South Kensington. We explored for a bit before it began to rain, so we took advantage of the weather by going to the Natural History Museum : )

The end of the day was just the icing on the cake... (pun intended). We stopped by Hummingbird Bakery to pick up some sweets. We've walked by this place every single day to get to the tube, so we were pretty excited. I got a salted caramel cupcake, and Erin's cupcake (to the right) is a red velvet with cream cheese. Mmmm... I want more.

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